Illustration: Charcoal, color pencil and pastel on paper, 21 x 29 cm.
Patricio Paretti. MIGRATORIAS
Common name: | Arctic sandpiper |
Scientific name: | Calidris canutus rufa |
Class: | Birds |
Order: | Charadriiformes |
Size: | Length between 23 and 26 cm Wingspan 52 to 56 cm |
During the austral summer, its back is ash gray; with fine brownish lines in the center of the feathers. The white supra-caudal feathers have brown bands. The chest and flanks are white with brown stripes. White abdomen, black beak and olive dark legs.
It resides in flooded areas or swamps, although it can also be seen in rocky areas. In Magallanes it is found in Lomas Bay and San Sebastián Bay, both in Tierra del Fuego.
It feeds on insects and aquatic invertebrates; also of larvae, beetles, spiders and snails.
It does not breed in Chile. The population visiting Tierra del Fuego breeds in North America, mainly in Alaska and Canada.
In the past the main threat was the loss of one of its primordial meal: the horseshoe crab. At present, the destruction and alteration of their habitat in relevant places throughout their migration constitutes the main threat to their survival. It has a very extensive distribution, in the case of the rufa and canutus subspecies they have experienced a population decline.
According to the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the species is in category: NT (Near Threatened). In Chile its conservation category is EP (endangered).
In Chile there is one of the most important sites for the rufa subspecies, located in the Lomas Bay Ramsar site. In addition, there is a research center for this marine wetland, which has a Management Plan for research of the area, in which monitoring projects are being carried out.
Illustration: Charcoal, color pencil and pastel on paper, 21 x 29 cm.
Patricio Paretti. MIGRATORIAS