Illustration: Charcoal and pastels on paper 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Patricio Paretti. CANTORAS
Common name: Patagonian Sierra-Finch
Scientific name: Phrygilus patagonicus
Its size is about 14 to 16 cm. It has a much defined chromatic pattern. The head is ash-colored up to below the neck, followed by an orange back and a slightly paler yellowish color on the belly. Its wings are gray, as is the tail. Its bill is adapted for feeding on grains (seeds), although it occasionally consumes insects.
It is a year-round resident in the region, mainly in areas near forests and scrubland. The clutch has a laying of 3 to 4 eggs. Detecting its presence in the environment is relatively easy, as it vocalizes quite a bit.
Conservation Status: LC (Least Concern)
Illustration: Charcoal and pastels on paper 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Patricio Paretti. CANTORAS