Illustration: Charcoal and pastels on paper 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Patricio Paretti. CANTORAS

Southern House Wren

Common name: Southern House Wren
Scientific name: Troglodytes aedon

This tiny bird reaches a size of 10 to 13 cm. Its plumage is characterized by rufous tones. The tail (which tends to be raised) has a more reddish coloration. 

It is distributed from Atacama in the north to Cape Horn in the south, making use of the most varied environments such as grasslands, murtilla bush, forest edges and thickets. Particularly, in Magallanes it can be observed between 0 to 1,200 meters above sea level. 

Insects make up its diet. Its reproduction takes place between August and September, with the laying of tiny 17 x 13 mm orange eggs. 

It moves quickly in short flights. It can be seen solitary or in pairs and has a very clear, characteristic and strong vocalization that allows its easy identification in the field. It is also possible to find it in urban wetlands. Conservation Status: LC (Least Concern)

Illustration: Charcoal and pastels on paper 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Patricio Paretti. CANTORAS