Illustration: Charcoal and pastels on paper 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Patricio Paretti. CANTORAS
Common name: Fire-eyed Diucon
Scientific name: Pyrope pyrope
Its size varies between 19 and 21 cm. The plumage is mainly ash grey, with rufous tones under the wings. The neck is white and the eyes very red. Its head is relatively large in proportion to the body. These characteristics make it unmistakable.
In the Magellan region it resides all year round. Its preferred habitat is the transitional zone (Ecotone) between forest and grassland, as well as coastal areas. It feeds mainly on arthropods and, to a lesser extent, on fruits.
During the breeding season it lays 3 eggs average. It does so in high places (above 3 meters), preferably in trees. It is not a bird exclusive to the countryside, so it is also seen in urban environments such as parks and gardens.
Conservation Status: LC (Least Concern)
Illustration: Charcoal and pastels on paper 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Patricio Paretti. CANTORAS